Divine Worship ministry is the central ministry of DTC and coordinates all the Liturgical and Spiritual activities of Mass such as
1. Ministry of Liturgy
Ministry Activity |
Detail |
1. Lectors |
- Train lectors (adult / youth)
- Arrange lectors for 1st and 2nd readings (youths for Teen Mass - 3 times a year)
- Select reading from Calendar and co-ordinate during every mass
2. Eucharist Ministers |
- Train Eucharist ministers (adult / youth)
- Arrange EM for every mass (youths for Teen mass)
3. Ushers |
- Receive families and arrange for seating
- Row calls to receive Eucharist
- Issue song books, prayers of faithful, and other pamphlets
4. Prayers of Faithful |
- Prepare Monthly Prayers of faithful
- Receive mass intentions and add to prayers of faithful
- Co-ordinate readers for the prayers during the mass (youths for Teen mass)
5. Mass Intention |
- Send / Receive mails on mass intention
- Maintain register for mass intention
- Write-up for mass intention to be handed over to the priest
6. Adoration |
7. Rosary/ Procession |
- Co-ordinate rosary session at 6:45PM before the mass
8. Way of the Cross |
- Co-Ordinate Way of Cross during Lent season
9. Testimony |
- Send / Receive mails on Testimony from the faithful
- Work-out timing and duration during / after mass with coordinators
2. Ministry of Choir and Music
Ministry Activity |
Detail |
1. Music |
- Practice and train youths on songs selected for mass
- Piano, Guitar and other music instruments
- Entire music coordination during mass (including prayers such as profession of faith, Gloria, etc)
2. Songs |
- Select songs according to the theme of the given month's mass
- Co-ordinate with Choir master and group
3. Psalms |
- Selection of tune for given psalm for the mass
- Co-ordinate with Choir master and group to practice
4. Carols |
- Co-ordinate with Priest and Volunteer ministry lead to plan the carols rounds during advent season
3. Ministry of Sacristy
Ministry Activity |
Detail |
1. Set-up Altar |
- Open Church
- Set-up Altar for mass
- Co-ordinate Audio / video systems for mass and prayers
- Host / Vine for offertory
2. Decorations |
- Decoration of Altar
- Lights and Candles
- Special decorations as needed
3. Closing-up Altar |
- Close Altar, clean and return chalice, ciborium, Altar cloths, etc back to Sacristy
- Lights / Candles off
- Audio / Video systems off
4. Ministry of Altar Servers
Ministry Activity |
Detail |
1. Training |
- Train children above 7 years (who received communion already)
- Budget and Co-ordinate purchase of altar servers dress; identify common sizes
2. Assigning the Servers |
- Send / Receive emails on selected altar servers for a given month's mass
- Quick training / demo prior to mass to the kids who will be serving
3. Co-ordinate with sacristy |
- Hand over things used for Altar service to sacristy minister after the mass
5. Ministry of Offertory
Ministry Activity |
Detail |
1. Bread, Wine, Water |
- Co-ordinate with sacristy minister to arrange bread, wine and water to offer during the mass
- Place the offerings at the table in the entrance of the church
2. Arrange offertory bearers |
- Send / receive emails to arrange offertory bearers during mass
- Co-ordinate Altar servers to hold the cross for offertory procession
3. Collection during mass |
- Co-ordinate with Ushers for collection during the mass
- Assign bearer to offer the collections
- Count and hand over the collection to Asst. Coordinator
4. Other Offertory |
- Send / receive emails to plan for other offertories
- Conduct auction after mass
- Count and hand over the collection to Asst. Coordinator
6. Ministry of Enthronement of Sacred Heart of Jesus
Ministry Activity |
Detail |
1. Plan for the Year |
- Send / Receive emails to confirm the number of families who would wanted to have Enthronement of Sacred Heart of Jesus prayer meetings at their homes
- Sequence the celebration (1st Friday preference to first time enthronements and subsequent Fridays can be used for renewals. If no first timers, then renewals will be celebrated on first Fridays)
- Reach out to families to emphasize on importance of Enthronement of Sacred Heart of Jesus at our homes
2. Prayers and Songs |
- Coordinate with hosting family in selecting songs for the prayer meeting
- Coordinate with hosting family on timing, inviting the priest
3. Communicate with priest |
- Coordinate with the hosting family and the Priest to check his availability before sending out the invite to the families
7. Ministry of House Blessings, Fasting / Intercessory / Adoration / Full-night Prayer Meetings
Ministry Activity |
Detail |
1. Plan for the Year |
- Plan for house blessings and other prayer meetings (fasting, full-night, and intercessory) as needed by the families
2. Co-ordinate prayer meetings |
- Coordinate the year round plan (limit the prayer meetings to 4 - 6 per year) and identify the purpose of such prayer meetings and work out the program with the hosting family
3. Communicate with priest |
- Coordinate with the hosting family and the Priest to check his availability before sending out the invite to the families
8. Ministry of Retreat and Recollection
Ministry Activity |
Detail |
1. Plan for the Year |
- Plan for minimum 1 Retreat program per year
- Formulate the program, review with priest and obtain approval
- Identify the resources needed for the retreat and budget the expenses
2. Location |
- Identify possible location and book well in advance (at least 4 months before)
- Location should suit for both kids and adults retreat conducted at the same time